On June 26th 2015, the Supreme Court passed the ruling to allow homo-sexual
“marriages” to be the accepted norm of the land. What happened? Where is the Power of God
we talk about or read about in the Bible? If this was not passed, Churches would have claimed it
as a “huge answer to prayer”, but now? What are the Churches saying? The question needs to
be asked “Is GOD in the midst?” “Is He really among us?”
I am astounded, flabbergasted, shocked, in unbelief that we have 100s of Pastor’s,
Evangelists, and even if we reflect on the past 10 years with 1000s of good students graduating
from Bible colleges wanting to please God, but with all this yet there is not ONE Revivalist? No
one who can shake a city for God?
The homo-sexual victory in the Supreme Court is not a reflection of how dark the days
are, or how far America has turned away from God, it is a reflection of how bankrupt the Church
is. We need to ask ourselves, Is this really a judgment of God on our Churches that has become
lukewarm and ready to be spewed out of God’s mouth? If we don’t judge ourselves, then God
will judge us. For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: - 1 Peter 4:17