The Negative Power of Jealousy in Leadership and Life
by Bishop F. Josephus (Joey) Johnson, II
Pages: 116
Dimensions: 5 x 8
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781630502874
Price : $13.49
In my book, The Blindness of Biblical Betrayal, I cover “imitative rivalry” and the quote by Girard, “We are never more blind than when we are doing violence in the name of God!”
While that book was going to print, I noticed in my daily Bible reading that approximately 23 chapters of the Old Testament were devoted to the rivalry of King Saul and David. Why would God devote so many chapters to this one relationship? Perhaps He wants us to see and learn from the jealousy and blinding betrayal of Saul towards David.
This book mines those 23 chapters for truths and principles to face jealousy and betrayal.
Jealousy and betrayal are common experiences because they are in the fallen DNA of humanity, but what the Devil means for evil, God will use for the good of His people.
Bishop F. Josephus (Joey) Johnson, II, has led one of Akron, Ohio’s largest and most influential churches, The House of the Lord, for 45 years. Bishop Johnson is a considered a Bible scholar by many. He is a preacher, lecturer, counselor, educator, conference speaker, and workshop facilitator in many areas including church health, business management, marriage, leadership, relationship theology, etc.
He has authored 10 other books, including his most requested book and sermon series, “God is Greater than Family Mess!”