The Positive Alternatives Entrepreneurial Program by Christian Life Skills, Inc.
by Christian Life Skills, Inc.
Pages: 156
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662887406
Price : $17.99
The Positive Alternatives Entrepreneurial Program provides youth a context for developing their emerging manhood through opportunities to earn a modest income, work on academics, and engage mature men in a mentoring relationship. The manual equips persons to assist youth ages 7 – 21 in job readiness skills, building and implementing a business plan, and utilizing the Christian Life Skills curriculum: Warriors for Jesus, for ages 6 – 10, and My Eyes’ Journey Youth Battle Plan, for ages 11 – 18.
Christian Life Skills, Inc. was founded in 1988, after a two-year period of prayer and discernment, to provide life skills based in scripture to help children, youth and families live into their God-given potential, consistent with His Word. Christian Life skills is committed to the mission of helping urban and other congregations meet the needs of youth and families so they will grow spiritually and live successfully! (Joshua 1:8)