Book Detail

Exiting Egypt by Julie West

Exiting Egypt

Lessons From the Life of an Exiled Prince

by Julie West

Pages: 280

Dimensions: 6 x 9

  • RELIGION - Christian Life - General
  • HISTORY - Ancient - Egypt
  • SELF-HELP - Motivational & Inspirational

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781662888588

Price : $17.99

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This is not your felt-board, Sunday-school version of Baby Moses floating down the Nile. Julie dives deep into the story of Moses and helps us see and learn from a reluctant leader powerfully transformed by his obedience to God. Exiting Egypt calls us all to walk in greater faith.
—Dave Ramsey, Bestselling Author and Radio Host
Born out of obedience, the Exodus began the moment Moses slipped off his shoes in the wilderness. Freedom follows obedience. Exiting Egypt presents neglected truths in compelling ways. Being a story of transformation, the text highlights micro-adjustments made in submission to God, which remade a hesitant exile into the legendary law giver. As Moses allowed himself to be changed, a nation was freed. Moses was not called to work miracles. He was called to obey and watch what God would do. That promise stands. Freedom waits. Watch. Obey. See what God will do to transform lives and free captives desperate to exit their own Egypts.

Author Photo

Julie West is an author, Bible teacher, media personality and founder of Worth Remembering Ministries. As a lifelong student of scripture, Julie is known for her humor and ability to help others grasp Biblical truth. She lives in Florida where she paints, blogs, hosts radio shows, and hangs out with her husband looking forward to more ministry adventures.

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