Christian Writers Award sponsored by Xulon Press

Grand Prize Winners Fall 2021

2nd Place Winner


Escape and Rescue
- Sheila Daniel

After overhearing a disturbing conversation between her husband and his acquaintances, Sophia must acknowledge a truth she's been dodging for some time: she and her children are no longer safe.

Not in this home. Not with this man.

The stakes are too high. The threats, too far-reaching.

Will she ignore her fear and stay put until a clear plan of escape emerges? Or will she exercise what little faith she's uncovered and make a run for it, praying she'll find help along the way?

Neither option soothes her troubled heart. Neither guarantees they'll come out unscathed on the other side. And neither quiets her biggest fear of all -

How will she ever escape with her life -

and the lives of her children - intact?

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