Book Detail

LIFE Giving by Bill Boylan

LIFE Giving

by Bill Boylan

Pages: 260

Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5

  • RELIGION - General

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781591602613

Price : $17.49

As stated in the Introduction, "This book is about giving some of God's money back to him." That's it. That's what this book is about. Period. If you're not interested in giving money to God or even learning about it, reading this book would be a waste of your time. If you don't want to learn about giving money to God, don't purchase this book. Or, please return it to the person who lent it to you. Honestly, that's all this book is about: giving money to God, including why, how, when, and how much. It is designed to be used as a workbook, helping you plan regular and consistent giving to God so he can ensure you will always have enough money. If you want to be successful and prosperous, then this book will give you clear directions for your life's journey.

When BILL BOYLAN became a Christian as a young man serving in the United States armed forces, he committed himself to excellence and success in all he would undertake during his lifetime. Bill is a popular Bible teacher, lecturer, seminar leader, writer, and conference speaker, and has served God in many capacities throughout the worldwide Church of Jesus Christ. Bill earned Masters Degrees in Theology and Education and received a Lifelong Learning Ph.D. in Education. He has served God as a public school and technical institute teacher, as a medical administrator, and as a human resources specialist. In addition, Bill served over thirty years in both the active duty armed forces and in the Air and Army National Guard. He is a lifetime member of the Disabled American Veterans (DAV).

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