Book Detail

God Appointments by Bobbie Suzette

God Appointments

Everything I Never Knew I Needed

by Bobbie Suzette

Pages: 244

Dimensions: 6 x 9

  • RELIGION - General
  • RELIGION - Christian Ministry - Missions

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781619040427

Price : $16.99

God Appointments represents opportunity, not only for the reader, but through the reader to the rest of the world. This engaging book describes how to uncover a simple truth that will bring heaven on earth to all God’s people. Author Bobbie Suzette uses her unique, conversational style to reveal how and why we were made. She simplifies complicated theology and enlightens readers as she delivers a profound message of why Jesus lived and why so many have chosen not to benefit from His sacrifice. Within these pages, readers gain a new understanding of our original created image and what we have in Christ here on earth.
God Appointments brings fresh meaning to what Jesus intended for us to experience. His sacrifice provides the means for us to have a relationship with God through forgiveness of sin and a place in His eternal family. The Holy Spirit gives God’s voice to those who seek to understand His language. Knowing what we’ve been given in the Holy Spirit and not releasing it is like having a trillion dollars in the bank but not knowing the account number. It belongs to us, but we are unaware of how to access it.
Bobbie relates these truths as she invites readers to share her real-life “God Appointments.” God’s desire for each of us to accept His Appointments comes to life as Bobbie shows us how to live one day—and one God Appointment—at a time.

Author Photo

Bobbie Suzette is the first to admit that her only qualification as an author is that God directed her to write and she followed His lead. Bobbie is a wife, mother, grandmother and successful businesswoman. Her love for God’s people has led her to serve on mission teams in Brazil, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Uganda as an advocate for AIDS orphans. Bobbie’s passion is simply connecting personally with the people God places in her path each day. She trusts in the Holy Spirit for awareness of these opportunities to share God’s love, and she believes each one of us has the same responsibility to accept these God Appointments. It’s simply a matter of being available.
To order additional copies of God Appointments, purchase GA merchandise or contact the author please go to or call toll free 1-855-GAB-1212 (1-855-422-1212).

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