Getting back to God's original plan for our lives
by David Charis
Pages: 352
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781498418171
Price : $20.49
Privilege of Love
Getting back to God’s original plan for our lives.
What is God’s purpose for creating you and how is that
purpose meant to be fulfilled. What has love got to do with it and in any case,
what exactly is love and how does love impact your relationship with your family?
Your friends? Your co-workers? Yourself? God?
How does love shape your life? Your faith? Your prayers?
Your struggles with sin? The impact you make and the imprint you will leave
Is your relationship with God based on religion and
tradition, or has it been brought to life by creative power of God’s affection?
The Privilege of Love examines the love of God, and its
sweeping effects in the lives of those in a relationship with Him. It presents
in very lucid illustrations where and how mankind took the turn off the
original path laid out by God and how to get back on that path. For those who
believe that grace may already have run its course in their lives, never to
return, this book from author David Charis offers a hopeful alternative-that the
love and mercy of God are over-arching, all-encompassing, and ever-present.
Delving beyond elementary reaches of Scripture to explore
the coherence of the word of God in very simple by insightful and mature ways,
Charis explores the influence of love on our friendship, families marriages,
and leadership roles. He describes and demonstrates the ultimate power of love
in our personal as well as our professional lives and careers, and how it
instills self-forgiveness, casts out fear, and replaces mere religion with a
living, breathing relationship with God. Encouraging readers to embrace this
foundation truth of the word of God, Charis has compiled a crucial collection
of truths about God’s love and contrasted the Word views of life’s contemporary
topical issues with the World views.
“These are testimonies
of the unfailing love of God, who broke my fall down a slippery slope of sin
and then taught me how to get back on track to His original plan for my life.
In the process I hearned about the character of God and gained insight into His
faithfulness, His mercy, and His grance as well as the awe-inspiring, jaw
dropping possibly He makes available to those who know Him and make the choice
to allow His will to be done in their lives.”