A testimony of how God intervened in my life after suffering a loss loved one and a neuro-autoimmune disease.
by Ginger Dannhaus
Pages: 100
Dimensions: 5 x 8
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781545606070
Price : $12.49
If someone were to ask author Ginger Dannhaus what type of relationship she had with God, she would probably tell him/her at first there was a relationship, but not a strong one.
This all began to change when Ginger’s mother passed away suddenly from a rare autoimmune disease, shocking Ginger as she wondered why her prayers weren’t answered for a miraculous healing. Ginger continued to struggle in her grief, instigated more by her father’s quick remarriage to a woman who drove a wedge between them. She tried consorting the Bible, but found it confusing with every page turn. What Ginger needed was a God encounter and she experience a pattern of them, highlighting them in her new autobiography, Giving God Glory.
One encounter was the presentation of a Bible to her shortly after her mother’s passing. Soon, she found herself hungry for God’s Word and seeking churches and services to where she could grow closer to God and her knowledge of Him. Another encounter was God’s promptings for her and her family to move from their home out into the country. Although this was not a decision she liked, Ginger found that God led her to people who strengthened her awareness of God and to shine for Jesus to others.
Probably the biggest life challenge the author saw God manifest Himself in for her care was when she was diagnosed with a neuro-autoimmune disease; one that left her debilitated at times and in need of constant help from her husband. However, despite those trials and tribulations, Ginger sees that the events of her life are lessons to others of what God can do when welcomed into a person’s life. What God gave her as insight and prophetic understanding, He wanted her to spread to others to inspire hope, love, and faith.
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