Book Detail

Space Brothers by James C Blocker

Space Brothers

by James C Blocker

Pages: 90

Dimensions: 6 x 9

  • FICTION - Occult & Supernatural
  • RELIGION - Christian Life - Spiritual Warfare

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781545666906

Price : $12.49

How well do you know your church leaders and members?
Space Brothers by James C. Blocker is a Christian sci-fi novel that weaves satanic-occult practices within the Christian church. It is a story of finding the real Jesus amid confusion and “signs and lying wonders” (2 Thess. 2:9).
Kyle, a young college student, has an encounter with a “being” that at first appears to be extra-terrestrial. As events unfold, readers learn it is indeed supernatural, only not the godly supernatural. Instead of being otherworldly, its origin is demonic while its host is human, and Kyle learns an important truth: sometimes people are not who they portray themselves to be, and the reasons for this can be surprising.
Come along with Kyle, Zig-Zag, Lilith, the “Oracle,” and others, to discover what is real and who to trust.
In Space Brothers, readers learn that some church members, even those in leadership, have deceptive motives, and their errors can cause us to lose those we love.
In the end, thanks to friends and loved ones, Kyle realizes that he is a chosen vessel by God who is appointed to disrupt the plans of the devil. Even though we may suffer, God brings about healing and hope to those who trust in Him.

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