Book Detail

For the Love of Learning by Jenny Sockey

For the Love of Learning

by Jenny Sockey

Pages: 132

Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5

  • RELIGION - General

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781591601210

Price : $14.99

Type : Hardcover

ISBN : 9781591601227

Price : $22.99

After more than twenty years homeschooling my children and other people's children, I am a passionate believer in the combined Charlotte Mason-Classical Education approach to education. I have four grown children and five grandchildren with number six on the way. I started a used homeschool bookstore in 1990 that grew so much that it became the oldest and the largest one in the country. I have discussed every method of homeschooling imaginable with thousands of people nationwide, and I am adamant that this is the best method out there. It will develop a natural "love of learning" that the children will thrive on. I give you a synopsis of both Charlotte Mason and Classical Education and then proceed to show you the similarities and differences and how they can be lovingly combined to give the children a "love of learning" that will never end. I also give you a book list and resources by subject that are not typically found in other lists for your information and use. Anyone who wants to nurture and develop their child's natural "love of learning" will benefit from this book.

Author Photo

JENNY SOCKEY has four grown children, three of whom are now married. She has five grandchildren with number six on the way. She has been homeschooling since 1981 and her used bookstore, Homeschool Potpourri, is the oldest and the largest in the country. She is a foster mother of disabled children and is on the verge of receiving a sibling group of children that she has permission to homeschool. Jenny has used Charlotte Mason and Classical Education philosophies and was thrilled at the results. She is a devoted Charlotte Mason-Classical Education advocate, and is proud of the results this method of education has produced in her students.

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