Book Detail

Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Lefts Do by Sr. Harold a. Lerch

Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Lefts Do

by Sr. Harold a. Lerch

Pages: 276

Dimensions: 6 x 9

  • RELIGION - General

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781591606925

Price : $17.99

Type : Hardcover

ISBN : 9781591606932

Price : $27.99

As a child I was in awe at the intelligence of adults. I thought grownups knew just about everything. Even in light conversations, I took their words as serious and meaningful. Later I became more impressed with the wisdom recorded in the Bible, such as Solomon's "Cut the child in two." How about the supreme wisdom spoken time and time again by Jesus, "Render unto Caesar," for example?
Years ago I came up with wisdom of my own, albeit twisted, "Two wrongs don't make a right" (a wise man ahead of me said that), but I added, "but three lefts do." I think that came to me after I crashed my bicycle. The front fork was bent backward so that I couldn't turn right, but I could accomplish the same result by circling left. Anyway, I thought that would make a great title for a book. All I needed was a subject: wisdom and wit! I expect that you will like this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Harold A. Lerch, Sr., is a graduate of the Pennsylvania State University, College of Engineering, and is a professional engineer working for a major private-industry corporation. Harold and his wife of over thirty-two years, Jeanne, reside near Middleburg, Pennsylvania. Their grown children, Harold, Jr., and Joanne, have blessed them with five grandchildren: Mariah, Christian, Drew, Kylee, and Shelly.
Harold is the author of Did God Really Say That? which explains that we can trust the Bible, including the creation account, and must follow God's commandments. Another book, God's People, God's Plan, explains that the biblical prophecy of the Messiah is real, and that Jesus has fulfilled this promise.
Word to the World is a ministry founded by Harold Lerch to distribute, at no cost, witnessing materials and biblically based information. Tracts written by Mr. Lerch may be viewed and downloaded from the website,

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