Book Detail

A Study of "The Good" "The Bad" and "The Desperate" Women in the Bible by S Lynn G

A Study of "The Good" "The Bad" and "The Desperate" Women in the Bible

by S Lynn G

Pages: 242

Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5

  • RELIGION - General

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781606473917

Price : $16.99

Good, bad or Desperate? We all have been there at some point of our lives.
In her first book, My Father In Heaven, My Father On Earth, Sandra
openly shared moments of her life when she was bad & desperate and finally
declared righteous by the grace of God.
Maybe today you are in a good, bad, or desperate situation because of choices
that were made by you or someone else. In this study, Sandra, with her warm,
genuine style directs our focus not to the women, but to a good God who
is faithful in all circumstances of life. Though Bible times have changed, our
Eternal God has not, and because of this we learn and grow from the women
in the Bible.
Do we really differ from these women in the Bible? Will you take the journey
with us and find out how we can make a difference today?

Author Photo

Sandra Gollihar is a trusted friend, wife and mother of 4
sons, one of which is a pastor in Southern California, the
grandmother of 12 and great-grandmother of 2. She has
touched many lives with her wit and wisdom from God's
word. She has faithfully served in a Fundamental Independent
Baptist Church for the last 19 years. She has taught ladies
meetings and Sunday school classes of all ages; and is an active part of the
visitation and soul-winning ministry.

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