A Pastor's Look at The Gospel of Mark
by Warner Doles
Pages: 176
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781615792443
Price : $15.99
Dr. Warner Doles has been a personal friend for over 25 years and walks closely with Jesus Christ. I highly endorse his commentary on the Book of Mark and consider it excellent reading material for any Christian who is seeking a better understanding of our Lord and desires a closer walk with Him. This book will enhance one’s knowledge in an informative and intellectual way and it will serve as an invaluable tool in one’s search for a closer relationship with Jesus Christ Who is our only hope in this struggling society.
Rev. Jerry Grey
First Baptist Church
Ivy, SC
“The Kingdom of God is Near” Dr. Doles skillfully makes the synoptic connection with the Gospels of Matthew and Luke in addition to relating the events in Mark with other New Testament texts. The unique writing style of Dr. Doles illustrates his incredible grasp of Scripture, culture, and history of the first century. If I had no other writings or knowledge of our Lord’s ministry, this commentary would reveal to me the passionate heart of our Lord in establishing His kingdom and His purpose in coming as the Messiah. I highly recommend it.
Rev. Ron Caulder, retired
Stanley, NC
Dr. Warner Doles has written a commentary on Mark’s Gospel that every layperson (and pastor) will want to purchase and read. Although written with the layperson in mind, Doles does not neglect credible scholarship and years of personal study in creating a very readable and helpful devotional guide to understanding our earliest version of the Jesus story. Anyone who reads this wonderful book will discover a Christ-centered and Kingdom focused understanding of one of the Church’s greatest treasures: The Gospel of Mark! Well done!
Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Hulsey,
Senior Minister
Lake Square Presbyterian Church