John 17
by Dr. Ramona B. Jolly
Pages: 238
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781619044821
Price : $16.99
Type : Hardcover
ISBN : 9781619044838
Price : $26.99
In the prayer of John 17 Jesus not only verifies
His preexistent nature and His purpose in coming to this earth, but He also
reveals the glorious destination for Himself, and those who are His joint
The purpose and place of prayer is herein established.
Prayer releases the Father’s will in heaven which places into motion the
Jesus’ prayer of John 17 precedes Him to the cross,
through the cross, and into the bosom of His Father. It also precedes us and
makes provision for us.
The beautiful storehouse of Jesus’ sacrificial
blessing is revealed to us.
The importance of “a family” to Father-God is
revealed and His love spilled out that it would be accomplished. The heart-cry
of Jesus is that we know Father-God. He shows us His relationship with Him and
invites us into the family.
John 17 reveals the depth of intimacy Jesus has
with His Father. In a world that struggles profusely with fatherhood this
reveals a relationship that lacks nothing!
Ramona B. Jolly has an earned Ph.D. in Christian
Education and Administration. In 1993-1994 she and her family lived in Kenya, East
Africa as missionaries. It was in Africa that the purposes of God burst forth
in her in bigger than life experiences. During this time a passion to serve
Christ and flow in the purposes He foreordained was birthed. That passion
remains to this day.
In 1999 Ramona and her husband established YAHshua
International, Inc., a 501(c) (3), to facilitate the ministries He has called
them to. During a time of great trial when her husband was battling for his
life with two kinds of leukemia raging in his body, she learned that Father-God
could be trusted with life so precious. This was the beginning of a deep, true
relationship with Him. Ramona and Billy have 3 children and two grandchildren.
Website to purchase:
YAHshua International,
P.O. Box 892
Perryville, AR 72126