Volume I - Teacher and Student Resource
by Rene' Compton
Pages: 132
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781622300068
Price : $16.99
Can you imagine a technological world without intimidation? It exists in a place called High Tech Land. Computer Puppets including Chip, Ram, Motherboard, and even Dr. Rebooty Sly help students of all ages comprehend abstract concepts, develop a robust level of computer understanding and provide numerous learning experiences. Students will develop a solid understanding of every component’s purpose by learning from the puppets’ adventures and mishaps. These loveable puppets give everyone the same opportunity to become computer literate and to understand computer science.
UNLOCK TECHNOLOGY WITH THE COMPUTER PUPPETS is a spin-off of the highly recommended technology-training program, Understanding Technology with the Computer Puppets©. This program has been used for eleven years in public and private schools and is now available in book form for at home training. No prior computer knowledge is necessary; teachers, students, parents and children can learn alongside each other with easy to use step-by-step lesson plans. It only takes 10-20 minutes a week to complete this program.
Game board components as well as the four part DVD starring the Computer Puppets are available for free and can be downloaded with the purchase of this book.
THE COMPUTER PUPPETS were divinely inspired when the author Rene Compton, Computer Science Major, accepted a job for a large corporation providing Help Desk support for hardware and software. It soon became apparent that even well-educated adults lack the necessary skills to adapt to the ever-changing world of technology. This book is the answer to her heart’s desire to help everyone become computer literate.