Book Detail

COOKING with CHRIST by by Teddy C. Ryan III


A Recipe for Spiritual Growth

by by Teddy C. Ryan III

Pages: 342

Dimensions: 6.14 x 9.21

  • RELIGION - Christian Education - General
  • RELIGION - Christian Life - Spiritual Growth
  • RELIGION - Messianic Judaism

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781625094117

Price : $19.99

'COOKING with CHRIST' Features spiritual growth practices and biblical
traditions; including teachings on Christian fellowship, the aspects of true
spiritual living, the Biblical feasts and festivals; in providing a New
Testament understanding of the Old Testament roots in our shared faith, with a
focus on Jesus Christ as the Messiah and His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
“Cooking with Christ” relates how we can improve our intimate relationship with
God through prayer, worship, and other fellowship practices. Readers will gain
an increased knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and grasp a better understanding
of the Lord's Covenants, while exploring the value of the Biblical Feasts,
learn what the Kingdom of Heaven actually is, and what our future in the Lord's
Kingdom holds for all believers vs. those who choose not to participate in
God's plan of salvation for humanity.
It is a "must read" for anyone wanting to seriously seek out the Lord
and improve their spiritual relationship with God - as well as helping the
reader in learning to build quality fellowship in community with others.
This is not a "cookbook" in the traditional sense - but it does
contain gourmet recipes for nourishing the soul! It also features masterful
insights into the Kingdom of Heaven on the Earth, God's Heavenly Government,
the return of our Lord Jesus the Messiah, and our role as "joint
heirs" in His future Millennial Kingdom.
The ‘COOKING with CHRIST ~ COOKBOOK’ - is a complimentary companion book which
features actual recipes based on the biblical meals and holy feasts. It
includes nutritious meal suggestions and foods preparation, American and
Mediterranean dishes, along with good old country cooking; also featuring tips
for healthy eating and living practices, everything from full feasts to fasting
and cooking from scratch; while likewise including food preservation and
storage techniques.

Author Photo

Teddy C. Ryan III (Rev.Ted) is originally from Norfolk, Virginia, born in 1961, and currently lives in the Southeastern United States. He has a background in the field of education, is a retired Fire Fighter, an entrepreneur, and artist at heart - and more recently having received a calling to serve The Lord in ministry.

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