Book Detail

Happiness, Being, and the making of a Deity; by Festus Nwachukwu

Happiness, Being, and the making of a Deity;

A Challenge of the 21st Century Culture

by Festus Nwachukwu

Pages: 238

Dimensions: 7 x 10

  • RELIGION - General

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781625097323

Price : $19.99

This book is about finding personal and societal happiness. The need for happiness is of equal importance to all people, whether they are male or female, advanced in age or young, big or small, regardless of race or ethnicity. The need for happiness cuts across cultures and values, beliefs and traditions, time and space. It is desirable for all peoples and cultures, and needs our serious deliberation. The need for happiness appeals for the immediate attention of persons, organizations, and nations that value and advocate for human freedom, justice and equality. Happiness is vitally an inevitable ingredient needed in the life of persons and societies. It is not a luxury but a necessity. Unfortunately the inalienable importance of happiness in people’s life has not only been abused but has also been neglected. It has been neglected in our political, economic, social and religious life spheres, and has been abused because of selfishness, greed, and quest to maximize profit. Happiness is as essential as food and drink, clothing and shelter. In the absence of happiness, life becomes empty, miserable and meaningless. Against this background is the call for systematic review and correction of those factors that are responsible for the deflection of personal and societal happiness- whether they are rooted in social or economic systems, religion or political institutions, medical or insurance policies, whatever activities, ideologies, life styles or habits. It is time to rise together as a group with a common interest to fight any anomaly on the way of happiness.
Have you ever taken time to think about your personal happiness, and that of other people? Have you ever paused to think of communal happiness and its role toward achieving a better society? Or have you ever asked why are so many people living without happiness? What is the real reason why so many people are materially poor, while few at the top are materially very rich? Does it mean that this multitude of poor people do not work hard enough to be materially rich-or are they not just smart enough? The book exposes some key factors that are responsible for this, which causes the expulsion of human and societal happiness, and suggests measures to enhance it. To this end, the means to happiness, what brings happiness, and what hinders it is carefully explored. Seriously the book takes the reader though a step by step insight into the world of happiness and how to sustain it. Basically, the essence of the book is the need to restore and sustain personal and communal happiness. For this reason, the book aims at empowering the reader to say enough to those factors that are inimical to personal and societal happiness. Explicitly the book outlines measures and practices to instill and foster happiness in the life of the reader. The reader gains new ideas and perspectives on how to achieve and enjoy happiness.
The book challenges the twenty first century to re-invent the culture of happiness. It differentiates the kinds of happiness, and shows how happiness is a package rather an isolated item. The book exposes the secrets of happiness that is inherent in the values of traditional ancient culture and wisdom. The book teaches how to find personal happiness and how to improve societal happiness. The twenty-first century people and culture are challenged to reformulate a future narrative for a new culture of happiness for all.   

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