Taking Down the giant with the Rock (Jesus Christ)
by Dr. Delores McClenon
Pages: 72
Dimensions: 5 x 8
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662807480
Price : $10.99
Sometimes overcoming the darkness in your life isn’t easy especially when we are a child. Children need their parents to lead and guide them in love to the best of their ability making sure they have a loving relationship with them because children are very inquisitive and need their parent’s guidance.
I never knew that the struggle that I had as a child would lead me to a greater spiritual life line with God. The struggles I had made me want to pray more and have a relationship with God. The more I studied the more I could see the face of God through his word. I eventually went to school and earned a doctor of philosophy degree in theology and graduated with honors. I continue to study and share the word of God with others as I’m led by the Holy Spirit. After graduation I received a phone call one day from a gentleman asking me if I wanted to host his radio program. Of course I did because it was a Christian radio station. From that moment on their was more opportunities to share the word of God with others and I did with a cheerful heart.