How to Cope with Infertility (and Help Those Who Are Experiencing It)
by Blair Parke
Pages: 110
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662817038
Price : $13.49
You can’t wait to look at the test; you just knew for sure you were pregnant. Clothes seem to fit tighter, your appetite increased, and you can smell anything. But when you read the negative pregnancy test, the reality of your situation sinks in: you are still dealing with infertility.
And you are not alone. One in eight couples struggle with starting a family, watching others see their parenting dreams come true as theirs seem to crumble.
However, your infertility is not a punishment, but a journey that God has placed you as a couple on to learn and grow from. It is a chance for not only a husband and wife to endure together, but a chance for those around them to aid in that growth.
The new book Empty Hands Made Full delves into infertility, from biblical times to present-day, as author Blair Parke discusses a topic many know about but few talk about.
Having struggled to start a family with her husband Jeremy, Blair shares with readers their infertility journey to instill important truths about childlessness and how others in the Bible experienced the same dealings with infertility until God answered their prayers.
As a secondary part, the book also focuses on helping those closest to couples dealing with infertility, advising ways they can help a couple best during this difficult time.
The additional testimonies of four brave women are offered here as well to illustrate how infertility has affected them and ways people reached out to help that demonstrated God’s presence in their lives.
Infertility is not something anyone wants to experience, but the hope is that Empty Hands Made Full can offer a little encouragement and reminder that God still has plans for your parenting dreams.
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