by Tiffany Potter
Pages: 140
Dimensions: 5 x 8
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662858277
Price : $14.49
These are the thoughts of my mind. The truths I believe God has given me to share. By sharing my life and how I have learned to view the world and religion, I hope to help others understand Pentecost better and the ideas of ‘one’ God, ‘one’ faith, and ‘one’ baptism. The ideas of God are too much to put into words, but I will try to explain Him the way I see and understand Him.
Born in Alabama, raised in Mississippi, I have always been a part of the Bible Belt. Here, my upbringing has been full of Christianity. I have learned there is more to being a Christian than going to church and looking the part. Growing up Pentecostal, I was never forced to follow in my parent’s footsteps. It has been through personal endeavors and personal research I have learned to know God the way I do. This is my gift to Him for all He has given to me. Read and understand, read and share, read and enjoy, read and answer! God bless you all!