Hope for Heathens, Laodiceans, and other Losers
by Christopher J. Wilkins
Pages: 384
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662859670
Price : $21.99
“Oh no,” you say, “not more devotional drivel!” Well, don’t you DARE read another page. If you have no interest in the Last Days’ Museum, FBI liaisons, touring Black Plagued England, the Valley of Seahorses, or Connumist Sufertuge, go ahead, put it down. If you’re curious, pay up, find a chair, close your mouth, and open the cover. Yes, the Muse for this collection has an attitude. Asia can be infuriatingly polite, and the sentimental tone of many devotionals is equally exasperating. Let’s not forget, God kicks butt. So, I tell it straight as often as I tell a story. Now, get ready to have your act put together—knowing you, you’ll never do so yourself. Sincerely, in your face, The Curmudgeon.
About the Curmudgeon: Seeing the world from atop a Thai elephant, under an ultra-light, through the Siberian Railroad’s dusty windows, between old cell bars in New Jersey and New Orleans, and dangling from a parachute in Iwate, Japan, the author, compiler, and plagiarist, is a hodgepodge of law-offender, hippy, world traveler, and wimp. His favorite nomenclature, however, would be child of God. His journey in recent decades has seen he and his family, Yuko, Caleb, and Corey, settle in Cambodia and Japan.