Encounters - The Strange & The Supernatural
by April Rowden
Pages: 126
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662863059
Price : $14.49
April didn’t always know
God, but she was no stranger to the paranormal.
in a dysfunctional home had led April on a quest to gain power and control in
her life. Dabbling in witchcraft and astrology, she found that things can get a
little crazy when you are sensitive to the Supernatural. Crazy enough to make
you wonder if you really are crazy.
weapon—and the prayers of her mother—had saved April from the many battles
where demons had tried to overtake her. But the day came when April stopped
fighting and discovered that the one weapon she’d had—and had given up on—was
the power in the Blood of Jesus. This was the one weapon she would need on her
journey into the spiritual realms; from being tormented by demons to arriving
at the face of Jesus.
April Rowden is an ICFM-ordained, licensed minister, who also studied theology at Life Christian University. Her sensitivity to the spiritual realm has led April on a supernatural journey, right to the face of Jesus, who personally invited her to join His Kingdom, and delivered her from many demons.
April and her husband, Johnnie, live in central Missouri where they are active ministers on their church ministry team. She is a teacher of the word, a seer, and an intercessory prayer. She enjoys traveling, teaching the Word of God, working on art projects, and spending time with family.