God's desire for every believer
by Francis Ndegwa Maingi
Pages: 172
Dimensions: 5 x 8
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662864186
Price : $15.49
God’s plan for man from before creation is that man may soar above the natural according to Genesis 1:26-31. Our God being immutable has not changed in this plan and the offer is still open and valid. The book is not an authority in this matter but has been derived from The Holy Scriptures with much of the work being scriptural references and few inspirational and sound quotes from Christian writers with strong biblical backing. It starts with the scene at the garden of Eden and the power and authority given to man, the loss of this power through sin and restoration of the same through our Lord Jesus Christ. It attempts to highlight on what it is to soar above the natural, the requirements for achieving and maintaining this state and the forces that work against this. It is therefore the writer’s prayer and beseeching that this book will be read prayerfully and under the guidance of The Holy Spirit so that he/she will be guided into his/her fulfilment of God’s initial plan, ’To multiply, fill the earth and subdue it’ all for THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER THROUGH THE SON BY THE HOLY SPIRIT! AMEN!
Born in Central Mountainous Region of Kenya to his late parents Maingi Thuita and Rahab Wambui Maingi, Francis Ndegwa Maingi grew up in a Christian environment but lacking the knowledge of true Christian concept. Attending Church service was at convenience until at the age of 27years when he gave his life to Christ to be Lord and Savior. Life became a commitment and determination to fulfill God’s purpose for his life along which line he has served in various non-pastoral roles including serving as a Youth Leader, Bible Study Coordinator, Christian Union Patron and Elder in Presbyterian Church of East Africa in Kenya. He currently resides in Lancaster city in Pennsylvania, USA with his dear wife, Eunice Wambui and their 2 sons Kevin Gaceru and Samuel Ndegwa. He fellowships with Lancaster Imani Presbyterian Church under the umbrella of Highlands Presbyterian Church, Lancaster PA and Kenya Christian Fellowship in America (KCFA), Lancaster Chapter.