Dr. Jeanne Brooks has a PhD in psychology working in the field for over 35 years. Dr. Brooks is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and a Board Certified Forensic Mental Health Evaluator (CFMHE). She teaches in a CACREP accredited Master and Doctoral program training future mental health clinicians and educators while maintaining a private practice specializing in forensic work. The National Board of Forensic Certification is the nation’s only renowned and prestigious training and certification program for forensic evaluators. Dr. Brook’s expertise in forensic work, specialized training, and certification process offers her the capability to offer specialized assessments to the courts speaking to parenting, custody, disability, and competency. She has had thousands of hours of experience and training to provide quality sound evaluations. In addition to her forensic work, her other specialty areas are working with troubled adolescents, alcohol and drug addiction, as well as helping children and families adjust to divorce. Her passion for working in crisis area and with trauma victims began while working with children caught in high conflict divorce and the trauma related symptoms. She has led teams around the world teaching on trauma and the neuroscience behind trauma. She has spent her career advocating for those in need and training others to become valued mental health professionals.