7 Principles To Achieve Personal Goals
by Dr. Jacki Edwards
Pages: 70
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662866159
Price : $16.49
As a single mother, Dr. Jacki Edwards forged through life’s valley and treacherous mountains to make a better life for herself and her children. Along the way, she found great success, but each victory was hard won. She stayed goal-focused and listened to her inner voice, never wavering in her faith and trust in God, even though it was not easy. Now having come through on the other side, she is here to share her hard-earned wisdom with you.
How to Get Your Life in Order by Ordering Your Life’s Steps: 7 Principles to Achieve Personal Goals by Dr. Jacki Edwards is an inspiring self-development guide based on the seven simple principles that the author used in her life to achieve her personal goals and aspirations. Her accomplishments, whether academically, professionally, or personally, all took place in small increments, and these steps helped her stay resolute in her decisions. It is possible to achieve your dreams if you are willing to do the work and endure the process. The vision you have for your life is attainable, and realizing your full potential is possible.
Including an application section titled “Simple in 7 Steps” after each chapter, Dr. Jacki provides the opportunity for readers to apply the concepts discussed in the book to their personal situations. This book will enhance, motivate, and guide you through the process as you unlock your full potential, take another chance on yourself, or start over with this self-help guide.
Dr. Jacki Edwards is a published author, inspirational speaker and board-certified family nurse practitioner. She is the CEO and founder of Jacki Edwards Events & More and How May I Health You, a disease management coaching company.
Her life’s story is marked by two failed marriages, unsettling forms of marital abuse and the struggles of raising children as a single mother. Those periods of lows taught her how to navigate the murky waters of life. She has used the steps outlined in her new e-book “How To Get Your Life In Order By Ordering Your Life’s Steps” to bring about change, stability and financial freedom in her life.
Those hard times also brought her to bending knees and over the years she developed a deep, unwavering relationship with her God. Today, she is wiser, stronger and confident in who she is and who God wants her to be.