Book Detail

But GOD by Vernae Coffee


Hope that Never Fails

by Vernae Coffee

Pages: 260

Dimensions: 6 x 9

  • POETRY - Subjects & Themes - Inspirational & Religious
  • POETRY - Subjects & Themes - Family
  • POETRY - Subjects & Themes - Death, Grief, Loss

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9781662866999

Price : $17.49

But God is a collection of poetry fashioned to engage the minds, hearts, and spirits of people of all ages, especially young adults and older. With over a hundred selections, readers will find themselves amongst the joys, disappointments, and struggles sometimes experienced on our human journey. While not completely autobiographical in nature, Vernae leaves a chunk of herself on each page.
This collection is unique in that each poem is accompanied by a reflection written by someone with expertise or experience related to the topic of the poem, in addition to a related scripture. There is also a Bonus Section that includes poems for parents with preschoolers. BUT GOD has something for every member of the family.
Vernae covers an array of topics related to love, loss, and life, that ultimately encourage us to see God in our storms and larger than our storms.

Author Photo

Vernae grew up in Birmingham, Alabama, and Atlanta, Georgia. She is a Berea College and ETSU graduate. She has committed her personal life of service and professional life as a school psychologist to encouraging others to see beyond their obstacles. She is a 2021 Palm Beach Poetry Festival Langston Hughes Fellow, and a 2019 Eyelands Book Award’s Finalist for her unpublished children’s book, Teddy Wet My Bed. Vernae is the 2017 NTCE and Penguin Random House recipient of the Maya Angelou Poetry Grant Award. Vernae is a Christ Follower who falls repeatedly and gets back up. She is a wife, mother, and grandmother of seven. She resides in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

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