At the end of my first book, following the disappearance of all Christians, Sam Wilhelm opened his eyes in the rubble of a government-destroyed believer holdout. At that point, he realized 1) what his Christian wife and her family tried to tell him over the years about Jesus Christ returning for His people was true, 2) that her faith was not able to save him, and 3) that he was alone in this post-Christian world. Through a vision from God, Sam realized that in His wrath, He showed mercy, mercy to Sam as He chose him to be an ambassador to an unbelieving world that was reeling out of control.
The self-declared United States President for life, Latisha Washington, rose to power after being acquitted from her staging the coup attempt in my second book. She won the presidency based on false promises and began her persecution of the Church and Christian believers. Following the Culling, Washington also became Secretary-General of the United World, and was chosen by Satan to become a revered goddess in the new world religion, who all people were ordered to worship.
Follow Sam Wilhelm as he gathers and leads a rag-tag team of Christian converts as they make it their mission to undermine the will of the goddess and her religion. In this sequel to book one, many familiar names are recruited to Sam’s team of warriors. At the same time in heaven, Jesus Christ has opened the scroll, and angels are opening seals and blowing trumpets, wreaking havoc on the Earth. How will it end? You must read to find out!