As a much-requested follow-up to her first book, GRACE SO AMAZING, in THUS FAR… A Book About Life, Love, Loss and the Lessons Learned Along the Way, Dawn Smith Jordan recounts her life’s journey thus far, re-telling the real-life stories out of which some of life’s simple truths have been learned. From those lessons, songs were birthed that God has chosen to use for over thirty years of ministry. This is a book about the faithfulness of our Father through some unexpected turns in the road, and about His all-sufficient, sustaining grace.
“Although we may not be able to choose our life’s circumstances, I am convinced that we always have a choice with how we respond to them. Though life is all about change, much like the seasons, it is a journey well worth walking, as God’s grace has brought us thus far, and His grace will lead us home.” Dawn Smith Jordan