Finding Your Lifetime Partner and Saving Your Marriage
Pages: 214
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662872655
Price : $16.49
Type : Hardcover
ISBN : 9781662872662
Price : $26.49
Dr. Jallah Yelorbah Koiyan discusses an in-depth study in the context of the sociology of the secular and biblical views of the family, the roles of the family in the community of nations, the controversy of the female pastoral leadership, the subject of Christian marriage, the controversy on divorce and remarriage, and delineates the historical foundation of Christian marriage stemming from the Garden of Eden.
Dr. Jallah Yelorbah Koiyan lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States of America. He is the pastor by vocation and the teacher by profession. He is the founder of Praise Ministries International, Inc. and the facilitator for Praise Ministries Prayer Forum, an online education platform for deliberate theological discourse. He holds certifications of interdisciplinary studies in the fields of Applied Science degree in Education, General Education, and the Specialization for the Foundation in Medical Assisting. Additionally, he holds the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Biblical Studies with concentration in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity with concentrations in Pastoral Counseling and Chaplaincy and the Doctor of Ministry with concentrations in leadership and Preaching.
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