(Losing A Love, Finding Another)
by Dr. Herldleen Russell
Pages: 164
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662884221
Price : $15.49
A widow’s small sacrifice given became
much with the “Master’s Touch”
Many who have lost a love are now feeling lonely and empty ... “Come journey with me to see one whom had lost much, found another love and more than she could imagine” because of the Master’s touch.
A widow is seen going into the temple to give the little she had as an offering. She was noticed by someone who said, “she has given more than the rich.”
Take a journey with me and see another widow, who lost her love but because of her sacrifice not only found another but “more than she could even ask.
A native of Chicago, Illinois, Dr. Herldleen Russell holds a multiplicity of degrees and certificates including a Doctorate of Divinity from Trinity Hall College and Seminary.
As a published author and Founder of Dr. Herldleen Russell Ministries www.dhrministries.org whose mission to connect resources both material and human to the need of individuals globally by raising awareness and funds and connect those resources to those needs. She travels across the globe as a prolific teacher, speaker, and conference host with a proclivity to build the kingdom of God throughout each generation.
In summary…all she can say is TO GOD BE THE GLORY.