Taking the right steps to overcome the battle with Autism & Addiction
by Gail Clark
Pages: 188
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662885181
Price : $15.99
I was compelled to write this book due to the issues I was having, and others I’ve heard of, because of this horrific disease. Also, to share education on the info provided to me with others who are going through similar circumstances. I also made some suggestions in the book for the readers, if they would be willing to try what worked for me, which was God’s Word it heals, and is challenging. It helped to mold and focus us to grow. We wouldn’t have gotten as far as we did if it wasn’t for His Word. The Lord gave me the wisdom, and guidance to seek out the proper avenues of help, and to overcome a lot of the schemes of the devil! You are an overcomer! Be blessed!!!
Born in sunny California, Gail is the eldest of two. Gail came from a very unique home. Her mother from Nebraska, and her stepfather from Sweden that raised her. When Gail was seven, they flew across continent to Sweden, Copenhagen, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland, Stockholm, and Norway to meet family. Gail traveled a lot. Also at seven, Gail was going to a predominantly Jewish Elementary where she was truly blessed. Mrs. Hoffman, her favorite teacher, nurtured and exposed her to great things. Gail will never forget her praying grandmother DeeDee who introduced her to Christ and taught her the “Yes, Jesus Loves Me Song”. Gail and her grandmother would sing it together as she played the piano. Gail misses her. Gail has two beautiful children, and three lovely grandchildren, she’s been through the good, the bad, and the ugly, but God is changing that ugly into pretty. Gail must say “Jesus is her rock, and her salvation, and without Him we can do nothing”!