by Jermaurey Bonner
Pages: 58
Dimensions: 4.72 x 7.48
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781662895180
Price : $10.99
What God really wants us to know is a sequence of topics I put together like what faith is, submitting to God, and being the salt of the world, to name a few. When I was finding my way back to the Lord, they came from questions, that arose in my life and mind, but everyone made it so hard to understand so here it is, where I made things a bit more plain. May you enjoy and may this book be of great encouragement and enlightenment.
Once, like many seeking their purpose, I was just another lost soul. I started seeking what I realize now is a permanent peace and found it through much praying and reading the word of God. I’m a professional truck driver married with two beautiful children. I was raised in the church and also mime danced at a point in time. I lost my way, or more so to say, strayed away from the truth but in doing so I was able to write this book what God really wants us to know and I encourage any who want information on things we all face on a daily basis to take the time and have the spirit of God flow through the words of this book as you are enlightened by the words you read.