Book Detail

The Changing Shape of the African American Christian Family: by Reverend Ural H Hill, PhD, MDiv, LPC

The Changing Shape of the African American Christian Family:

Today only 3 out of 10 Christians attend Church regularly.

by Reverend Ural H Hill, PhD, MDiv, LPC

Pages: 116

Dimensions: 5 x 8

  • BODY, MIND & SPIRIT - Inspiration & Personal Growth
  • FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS - Life Stages - Adolescence
  • PSYCHOLOGY - Mental Health

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9798868500411

Price : $13.49

Dr. Ural Heywood Hill Jr. was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. He grew up during the turbulent 1960s. He is a graduate of The University of Michigan where he earned his Bachelor’s Degree, The Interdenominational Theological Center’s Morehouse School of Religion where he earned a Master in Divinity and Clark Atlanta University where he earned a PhD in Counseling and Psychological Services. He served as a Delinquency Services Specialist for The State of Michigan’s Wayne County Department of Children and Family Services and Served the Historically Black Colleges and Universities for 26 years. He currently manages a private practice in Detroit, Michigan.

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