Understanding How Ministries Work Separately and Together
by Dr. David F. Felsburg, Ph.D.
Pages: 364
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781498440462
Price : $20.49
Type : Dust Jacket
ISBN : 9781545630846
Price : $36.49
Inside the
Church takes an in-depth look at the characteristics, impact and interactions
of the diverse components of today's Christian church and how they combine to
accomplish the overall mission of the church. To accomplish this task, Inside
the Church documents ten frequently-occurring ministries for three levels of
systems analysis to understand the individual ministry, examine its stand-alone
system functionality and how it works within the complex system of church
systems. Each level of analysis reveals unique information on the selected
ministry from views seldom seen in non-technical literature.
The ten
ministries are Outreach, Evangelism, Preaching, Teaching, Ordinances,
Discipleship, Inreach, Music, Serving and Leading. The analytical tools are the
six-level taxonomy, the systems view and the system of systems view. The
taxonomy is used to investigate the ministry