Rejection will either ravage you or refine you!
by Bishop Joey Johnson
Pages: 206
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781545608739
Price : $16.49
Rejection is one of the most harrowing and common human experiences.
Bishop F. Josephus (Joey) Johnson, II, is the organizer and senior pastor of The House of the Lord Church in Akron, Ohio. He is the organizer and chief bishop of the Beth-El Fellowship of Visionary Churches, also headquartered in Akron, Ohio. He is organizer and president of the Logos Bible Institute, the Pastoral Mentoring Institute, The Ashland/House of the Lord Certificate of Ministry Program and also one of the organizers of Emmanuel Christian Academy (a Christian School from Pre-Kindergarten to 8th grade. He is the author of eight books. Bishop Johnson’s calling is to provoke deep biblical consideration of bibical realities that people habitually prefer not to consider. Is rejection ravaging or refining you?