Rediscover the Magnificent God-Given Mission You Were Born Remembering
by D. Michael O'Sullivan
Pages: 164
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781545647516
Price : $15.49
You are a Godsend! Your personal gifts and services have been a blessing to so many already, yet your uniqueness and creativity can further flourish to help you provide ever-greater levels of loving service
D. Michael O’Sullivan is a communications professional, having written and edited for two Fortune 1000 companies over 25 years in roles that included executive speechwriting, book editing, public relations, ghost writing, brand journalism, media relations and strategic communications counseling. He has written extensively across a wide spectrum of categories, ranging from technology, corporate business, marketing, poetry, American and British literature, and has managed every aspect of editorial responsibility including the field of news coverage. He has earned recognition for his humor columns from the Associated Press, and worked as a ghost editor for executives in the global business technology arena.
Among his credits are Telly Awards for scriptwriting, and most notably he served as the key contributing editor for the books Soaring with the Phoenix: Renewing the Vision, Reviving the Spirit (2000) and Leadership Unbound (2004). He has taught university-level literature and English courses, served as a Bible study discussion leader, and continues to be a civic volunteer and a hospice services advocate.