Dr. Felsburg provides a unique approach to evangelism training in Talkin’ about Christ – Over the Back Fence. The book is designed to integrate the disciplines of engineering, theology and human behavior analysis to examine where a person is in his or her journey toward Christ and formulate an action plan for closing the gap. The first ten chapters deal with applying well know Christian materials as instruments for measuring a prospect’s current beliefs as a launching pad for helping them advance toward Christ. The second ten chapters address the interpretation of prospect responses and the application of those responses to a plan for tracking the progress of the unbelievers over the next several days, weeks or months.
Dr. Felsburg combines the knowledge gained through bachelors and masters degrees in engineering, seminary training at the graduate and post-graduate levels, and a doctorate in organizational behavior and management in a totally fresh approach to interacting with people. As a bi-vocational pastor and evangelist for over thirty years and an entrepreneur founding four successful, multi-million dollar companies, Dr. Felsburg’s approach to measuring and planning for success is very well established. He has amassed awards under INC 500, Washington Technologies and Deloitte for the largest growth in revenues for his secular companies each year and worked as Minister of Outreach and Evangelism in one of the few churches in the world to earn a fifth eagle award under the Spiral Growth Program.
Applying these successes in industrial human development and church related spiritual growth has resulted in the approaches documented in Talkin’ about Christ – Over the Back Fence. They are explained and applied in a cooperative learning environment for the new learner and the seasoned evangelistic veteran as well.