Baptism of the Holy Spirit is meant for us to experience the joy of salvation. This book exposes the different types of baptism from biblical perspective. It explains the essence, significance, purpose and benefit of the baptism.
It educates you on how to make the act of baptism applicable in your daily life as a believer.
It enlightens you on how to enjoy your relationship with Jehovah God as your heavenly father.
It brings you into a divine encounter that will change your life forever.
It makes your Christian life a feel of heaven on earth.
Be blessed as you read it in Jesus name.
Pauline Walley-Daniels PhD is an ordained Prophetic Deliverance Apostle, who teaches the Word of God with dramatic demonstrations. She is the president of Pauline Walley Evangelistic Ministries and Christian Communications, and the CEO of the Prophetic Deliverance Theological Training Institute, which includes the School of Intensive Trainingfor Leadership Equipment, and the School of Deliverance in New York.
Dr. Pauline is affiliated with Christian International Ministries Network and the Association of Christian Educators Accountability. Dr. Pauline serves on Christian Life Educators Network’s Board of Regency. She is one of Morris Cerullo’s Prayer Strike Force Ministersand the Secretary-General of Faithful Ministers Fellowship.
Dr. Pauline holds a master’s degree in journalism and a PhD in Pulpit Communications and Expository Preaching. She is the author of several books. She is married to Rev. Frederick Daniels of Overcomers’ House Prophetic Deliverance church in the Bronx of New York.