The Seasons of My Soul

God has a better plan than what youve been settling for

Autobiography Offers Hope to Hurting Women

God has a better plan than what youve been settling for


LONGWOOD, FL-In The Seasons of My Soul (paperback, 978-1-60477-302-6) author Valerie Pecora shows how God has transformed her life from a cold, bleak winter to an abundant autumn of vivid color, with no more spring flooding or summer heat.

Her life had been a shambles for decades, she says, but God did not give up on her. "Sometimes God moves suddenly, and other times we have to be tenacious in our faith to see real change in our lives." She hopes readers will realize, as she did, that God is just waiting for them to come to Him, to trust that He has a better plan and a better future already prepared for them.

In her book Pecora focuses on the woman who is a believer but is being beaten up by life. The woman may be sitting in the pew next to her while suffering in an abusive relationship or living in a dysfunctional home. To that "sister" the author says, "God is a great fixer of lives, and He has not forgotten you."

The Seasons of My Soul is Valerie Pecora's autobiography in which she recounts the brutal events of her life as it was but no longer is. She speaks honestly and in love.

Valerie Pecora is a wife, mother, author, and volunteer counselor at her church. Her passion to help hurting women has prompted her to facilitate support groups dealing with infidelity and codependency and more recently for women in troubled marriages. She founded Just Like Hannah, a ministry dedicated to reconnecting and restoring the lives God created women to have.


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