God's plan for mankind reaches far beyond salvation.

New Book Highlights God's Desire to be Known

God's plan for mankind reaches far beyond salvation.


Tam Buhrman offers encouragement and insight into the will of God in her new book, Resurrection: The Untold Story ($16.99, paperback, 9781545605653; $8.99, e-book, 9781545605660).  She believes that if man will do away with his unbelief and allow God to use him, he will encounter joy unspeakable.


Many Christians praise God for their salvation, but fail to see the next step in God’s purpose for their lives.  Buhrman explains how God longs for an individual relationship with His children and how this is possible to all who are willing.


“[God] wants everyone to know how accessible he is to those who want to know him; to know his heart and his will. The only requirement is to be respectful and teachable,” said Buhrman.


Tam Buhrman shares her story of meeting God in a near-death experience.  She claims only to repeat what was shown to her by the Holy Spirit.


Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date. Resurrection: The Untold Story is available online through,, and


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