Biblia Compacta

Xulon Press presents a condensed New Testament for Spanish speakers.

If 1,200 Pages Seems Like a Little Much for You, You Can Start Smaller

Xulon Press presents a condensed New Testament for Spanish speakers.


Author Barbara Hoyle offers a bite-sized, Spanish summary of the New Testament in Biblia Compacta: Sumario del Nuevo Testamento ($13.49, paperback, 9781630502270; $6.99, e-book, 9781630502287).  Realizing that many find the full-sized Bible a bit daunting, she’s offered a 100-page collection of highlights designed to get new believers started and encourage them into a more in-depth study of the Bible.


“The book was written to engage new believers. However, everyone at every level of faith will gain fresh insights as they read this summary of the New Testament. Renewing our minds is a lifelong need in order to remain excited as a child of God,” said Hoyle.


Barbara Hoyle is grateful that her early life forced her to seek strength in God.  After being sexually abused by her father, Hoyle felt emotionally abandoned by both parents.  Her mother forced her to give up her first child for adoption, and Hoyle ended up in another abusive relationship after her marriage at the age of 19.  Before her divorce she was blessed with her son, Jason, and raised him as a single mother.  She remained single for 33 years, but eventually remarried and moved to Mexico with her new husband.

Hoyle can forgive much because Christ has forgiven her and restored her to new life in Him.




Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. Biblia Compacta is available online through (coming soon),, and


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