The Neurobiology of Spiritual Warfare

Xulon Press presents an in-depth study into beating the devil at his own game.

Don't Let Satan Turn Your Mind Into His Reactive Playground

Xulon Press presents an in-depth study into beating the devil at his own game.


Author Jeanne Brooks, PhD, exposes the enemy in The Neurobiology of Spiritual Warfare: Putting on the Mind of Christ ($20.49, paperback, 9781662865817; $8.99, e-book, 9781662865824).


After thirty-five years of experience in the field of psychology and extensive research into the neuroscience of trauma, Brooks has seen first-hand the ways that the devil uses God’s incredible creation – the brain – against His children and keeps them from living their fullest lives.


The devil’s ploy is to keep us away from higher level of reason, the enemy wants to keep us entrapped in a reactive stance/reactive brain, our limbic system…The problem is our limbic system cannot determine real threat as compared to a perceived threat,said Brooks.


Dr. Jeanne Brooks has a PhD in psychology working in the field for over 35 years. Dr. Brooks is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and a Board Certified Forensic Mental Health Evaluator (CFMHE). She teaches in a CACREP accredited Master and Doctoral program training future mental health clinicians and educators while maintaining a private practice specializing in forensic work.




Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. The Neurobiology of Spiritual Warfare is available online through,, and


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