Forgiveness: Key To Victorious Christian Life

Xulon Press presents a critical teaching for spiritual and personal growth, to be appreciated by all readers, especially believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.

A Much-Needed Perspective in Today's World; Forgiveness is the Key to a Victorious Christian Life

Xulon Press presents a critical teaching for spiritual and personal growth, to be appreciated by all readers, especially believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.


Author Emmanuel S. Omere encourages readers to see the wonderful love and passion of God in Forgiveness: Key To Victorious Christian Life ($14.49, paperback, 9781662875182; $6.99, e-book, 9781662875199).


For more than two and a half decades, Omere unjustifiably nursed a grudge against someone who after all was innocent of the offense that he accused him of. It was only when Omere met Jesus Christ, that he was empowered to forgive.

Leading by example through his book, the author urges every reader to read this book prayerfully and receive the power to accept and embrace God’s love and grace. Omere wants all Christians to understand that He has continually offered love and grace for the salvation of all souls.


When asked what inspired the author to write this book, Omere said, “My inspiration to write the book stems from my desire to let people all over the world, especially believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, know that forgiveness is a commandment of God. Anyone who refuses to forgive is disobeying God.


Emmanuel S. Omere is African American, born and raised in Benin city, Nigeria, and now by the grace of God, a divinely commissioned minister of God with Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries in Boston, Massachusetts. A multi-gifted preacher who is leveraging on his God's given talents and gifts in gospel music, song writing as well as book writing and publication. Omere is a graduate of Roxbury Community College and University of Massachusetts. He is happily married to Sister Faith Omere, with whom he has co-written and produced many gospel songs, and they have children. Omere enjoys cooking, swimming and playing soccer.





Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. Forgiveness: Key To Victorious Christian Life is available online through,, and


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