"My Thoughts on God"

Author will help impressionable young men and women to leave the streets

New Title Offers Assessment of Fatherless Homes in Today's Society

Author will help impressionable young men and women to leave the streets


LONGWOOD, FL--With the number of fatherless homes on the climb in today's society, there is a distinct need to keep this important issue in the limelight. Within the pages of Robert B. Sullivan's new title, My Thoughts on God and the Men Who Went Astray. Why? Where Are They? ($10.99, paperback, 978-1-61579-867-4) readers will find an assessment of how the men of today are trying to justify their actions toward women and their offspring as well as the rights entrusted to men once they become fathers. It is the author's hope that his book will help impressionable young men and women to find their way and leave the streets.

"I sincerely hope that the Christian tone will be the most overwhelming part that readers adhere to so that the complete message will not be forgotten or lost," the author says. "There's a possibility that some families have not even thought about introducing their children to the Lord or the Bible, which causes a disconnect with the way they should live their lives."

Sullivan began his career as a writer in 1993, when he decided to pen his reflections on God and how he felt about the glory of His love for His children. It wasn't until recently that he was inspired to craft a book--based on his life experiences--about the responsibilities of men as fathers. "I've lived the life of infidelity, womanizing, drinking, and not caring who it may have been hurting, as a husband and a father," he explains. "I was once lost although I did not steal, rob, or consciously disrespect people, but a sin is a sin. I continually followed the natural world more than the spiritual world to keep a grasp on life. My heart should have been balanced on the natural and the spiritual world to keep from falling prey to Satan."


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