Authors extend a helping hand to those who are in spiritual darkness

Real Solutions to Life's Problems Presented in New Book

Authors extend a helping hand to those who are in spiritual darkness


LONGWOOD, FL-There are many problems today that could be listed as man's dilemma: health, unemployment, poverty, crime, war, and so on. However, each of the aforementioned things are actually the result of man's dilemma, not the cause. Xulon authors Steve and Nancy Lampman pinpoints the cause as man's depravity in their new release, One Christian's Perspective of Man's Dilemma: God's Solution (paperback, 978-1-60647-282-8; hardcover, 978-1-60647-283-5). In that depravity, say the authors, man has rejected the absolute standard of his Creator and, as a result, is alienated toward not only God, but one another. In the pages of this work, the authors consider man's dilemma and God's solution from 12 different perspectives.

Say the Lampmans, "People are hungry for real solutions to life's problems. In every man there is a void, a void caused by their separation (before regeneration) from God. [My book] is simply written in order to reach he or she who is in spiritual darkness and to excite the Christian to a deeper commitment to his or her Savior."

Steve, a Pennsylvania native, describes himself as "one who has been tested in life; one who has experienced both what the world offers and the satisfaction and assurance of God's mercy, love, and grace." After living life as a prodigal son for a short time, he surrendered to the authority of God and has remained there ever since. Now he hopes to fill that godly void in others with this book, which serves as a timely reminder to this generation of the need to surrender to God's mercy and grace for salvation.


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