EMUNAH Ozer Yisrael biGvurah (By Faith, the Lord Girds Israel with Strength)

Through our faith comes strength for us to fight the good fight in our lives, author says.

Xulon Author Releases First Book About Faith

Through our faith comes strength for us to fight the good fight in our lives, author says.


Within the pages of Edith Borrego’s book, EMUNAH Ozer Yisrael biGvurah (By Faith, the Lord Girds Israel with Strength) ($15.49, paperback, 9781545646229; $7.99, ebook, 9781545646236), readers will find a book about faith, which is an instinct of the human soul, a subject of consciousness and personality, and a means to an end of all trials and tribulations in a person’s life.


It takes faith to believe in God and that His Word is true. The Bible is filled with timelines of events and there are many people affected by the stories of the prophets and the writings. When testimonies are shared, people are encouraged to fight the good fight.


“When there is a sharing of testimonies amongst the children of God that is when a person’s faith grows,” says Borrego. “When one can see what God has done for one person, He can do that for anyone.”


Edith A. Rael-Borrego is a single, working parent of four children who actively serves in her community. She is full of compassion and love for those searching for the truth.



Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date. EMUNAH Ozer Yisrael biGvurah (By Faith, the Lord Girds Israel with Strength) is available online through xulonpress.com/bookstore, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com.


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