Seasoned minister answers questions many Christians have about this communion with God.

Does Prayer Confuse You? You're Not Alone

Seasoned minister answers questions many Christians have about this communion with God.


Dr. Jimmy Knott understands the frustration of the disciples who asked Jesus about prayer, and realizes that many modern Christians struggle to experience prayer at its fullest.  In his book, Lord, Teach Us to Pray: The Ultimate Request Every Disciple Should Make ($14.49, paperback, 9781545656884; $6.99, e-book, 9781545656891), Dr. Knott strives to take the mystery out of this mystical encounter.


This guide to prayer answers big questions such as, “Why do we pray?” and “What is prayer?” as well as providing guidance for improving a believer’s personal prayer life.


“This book is a Biblical, practical, and easy to follow guide to help you along your journey to a richer and more meaningful prayer life,” said Dr. Knott.


Jimmy Knott has served on staff at the First Baptist Church of Orlando for almost 40 years.  His current roles include that of teaching pastor and mentor. He is also the author of It’s All about Leadership—Be a Leader Worth Following (Xulon Press, 2016).



Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date. Lord, Teach Us to Pray is available online through xulonpress.com/bookstore, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com.


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