My Calling, As I Call It!

Xulon Press presents memoirs from the ICU.

Hear About Near Death Experiences From Someone Who Has Witnessed Many

Xulon Press presents memoirs from the ICU.


Author Cleta Cranford explores the truths of existence through stories from hospital bedsides in My Calling, As I Call It! ($16.49, paperback, 9781662817649; $8.99, e-book, 9781662817656).


An ICU nurse is uniquely placed among critically ill patients and can speak to the realities of life and death more than most.  In this volume, retired nurse Cleta Cranford shares some of the powerful experiences she has witnessed that convinced her that human beings are more than just body and soul.


Serving Jesus is never boring or mundane! My greatest desire is to see people come to Jesus and watch as He changes their lives,” said Cranford.


Cleta Cranford is a wife, mother, grandmother and nurse from central North Carolina who loves Jesus with all her heart. She and her husband enjoy traveling and are blessed to have taken several short term mission trips, as well as medical mission trips, and traveling for pleasure and business.




Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. My Calling, As I Call It! is available online through,, and



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