
Xulon Press presents an original work of fantasy fiction for young adults.

Only the Strength of Community Can Inspire A Hero's True Power

Xulon Press presents an original work of fantasy fiction for young adults.


Author Brandon Butler weaves a tale of friends banding together to confront a common enemy in Energist ($17.99, paperback, 9781662823688; $8.99, e-book, 9781662823695).


Nova Purser’s adoptive parents raised him from a child, but had no idea where he came from – or why he could manipulate elements and energy.  In search of his people, Nova arrives in a land called Trypan where he finds a place he can belong.  His new life is threatened by a dark energist named Searus, and Nova must face him in order to defend his new home.


“Writing for me is enjoyable because it is entertaining. In addition, it gives me a chance to create a world where I can control the narrative and the outcome,” said Butler.


Brandon Butler is a husband and father from Florida who pursued music production before leaving that industry and discovering his passion for writing.




Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. Energist is available online through xulonpress.com/bookstore, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com.



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